Monday, May 16, 2011

[Noticias] Information



On May 13,  I went to your Tuesday Meeting  with my best intentions to give you some information about the new Migration rules.  Therefore, in order to clarify any concept that could have been misunderstood, I went to David and talked to Mr. Edwin Gallardo head of the Department of Migration Office,  who explain to me the following based on the Law;  the carnets for permanent residence are only for:


  • Visa for Investors of Macro enterprises
  • Visa for foreigners married to a Panamanian
  • Visa for reforestation
  • Visa for people with economic solvency of their own.


"Pensionados do not have the right to obtain this new carnet because this type of Visa for Retirement  or "pensionado" is within the category of indefinite special visa.


  • Decree Law 9 of 1987:  It refers to the benefits to retirement " pensionados" and their definitive residence in our country.
  • Decree Law No. 3 of the 22 of February , 2008:  In its title II, speaks to us about the Migratory Categories and its article 14 it defines them this way:


No resident

Temporarily resident

Permanent Resident

Foreigners under the protection of the Republic of Panama


Chapter IV; it defines permanent resident in its article 20: "Permanent resident is the foreigner that comes in the national territory for economic reasons, and investment, of special politics, and demographic and other subcategories with the intention of establishing in the country, according to the special politics adopted by the State, according to the requirement, procedures and costs that will be established in the rules of the present Decree Law.

Article 22:  The foreigners to whom Law 9 of 1987 refers to will be inside for effects of the Present Decree Law within the category of permanent residents and will hole the  fiscal and franchise customs benefits established by their special laws."


  • Executive Decree No. 320 from the 8 of August, 2008:  In its Chapter III, article 10 says: "Visas or Permits of No resident, Temporarily or Permanent residents, that can be present to the migratory authorities outside the country are:

1.       Visas of Short term.

2.       Permanent Permit of Retirement with a permanent income

3.       Permanent Permit of Retirement or Pensionado

4.       Permit for Temporal Resident under the special laws.

      In its Title IV:

Permanent Resident Category, in its article 178: "Past the term of two (2) years, the person requiring the permit may apply for the permanent residence, unless those cases in which the present rules, the special laws and the agreement have established different period." Chapter II , because of special politics- Section 1 " Retirement with a permanent income, Section 2. Retirement Pensionado, Decree 7 of the 31 of May, 2010."By which new rules are established for the identity documentation that the General Management of I.D. Cards Department due to security. Article 1: second paragraph says: " These documents refer to those given to of age Panamanians (cédula) and under age (cédula juvenil), as well as foreigners residents in Panama, that have been authorized by the National Migration Service.

Article 5: The permanent resident carnet given to foreigners will be valid for 10 years and will be given in the following cases:

1.       People authorized by the National Migration Office

2.       Those who must obtain it because it is due, deteriorated, or for been stolen.

3.       Those who must be documented again  according to Decree Law 3 of February, 2008 ruled by the Executive Decree 320 from the 8th of August , 2008; and those who are in special situation seen in Law 25 of May , 2008 (About refuges  and those who seek sanctuary, that require Permanent Residence Carnet), this will be done according to further date that will be given by another Decree by the Electoral Tribunal


Hope these explanations will be useful to you.  For further assistance you may contact:

Nixia Guerra  Attorney at Law

Tel 6427-2267


Ms. Nixia J. Guerra C.

Attorney at Law

Cel. (507)  6427 - 2267

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