Friday, February 19, 2016

[News Boquete] A note from our friend Marion Clamp

I would like to thank everyone for their support, good wishes and prayers during the period I was hospitalized following a home invasion. Although I was unable to receive visitors for most of the time, my daughter would read the notes left for me and relay the messages of encouragement and hope for a rapid recovery.  Your kindness and caring gave me strength and enabled me to keep on fighting during the difficult weeks.

So many people helped me in so many ways.  My neighbors have my eternal gratitude, the Le Borgnes, the Fergusons and the Kolms – without their initial and immediate actions the outcome would have been very different.   Linda and Helmut for organizing a fund to help with my medical bills.  Don Ray for allowing the use of his Paypal account to receive donations and for the care and shelter he and his wife Lilliam provided upon my release from hospital.  To those who donated towards my medical costs a big Thank You, your generosity is truly appreciated.  Even though I do have medical insurance, 25% copay for a nearly three month stay in hospital resulted in a sum that is equivalent to the national debt of a small, obscure country.

I have seen how, in the past the community have come together to render aid and support during times of crisis.  Of course we, none of us, think that the crisis will be ours.  I have no words to express how blessed I feel and my gratitude at the outpouring of support and help that was given to me by the community in my time of crisis.

I Thank You

Marion (Clamp)

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