Saturday, February 13, 2016

[News Boquete] Tuesday Talks at BCP -- SETI in Boquete


Your $1 admission helps us keep the doors open


Our Meeting Schedule – 10:30 in the BCP Theater




Tuesday, Feb. 16 -- The presentation will be given by Ben Schuetz; a retired physicist/engineer and resident of Boquete since 2007.  Everyone knows what SETI is, but few know about the Optical Search for Extraterrestrials (OSETI), i.e. searching for laser signals from ETI.  The presentation will include discussions about the current rate and state of exoplanet discoveries, why after 50 years we haven't found anything, the problems of searching, laser facts, small observatory viability and what will happen when a signal is discovered. The observatory on Volcancito Rd. is dedicated to optical SETI and became operational in 2010. It has been under continuous development ever since.  Last year, a larger telescope was installed that doubled the system's sensitivity. The Boquete Optical SETI Observatory has a number of innovative features that help achieve sensitivities found only at larger observatories. During November of last year the observatory participated in a cooperative effort with SETI International, SETI Institute and the Allen Telescope Array observing a star that exhibits singularly peculiar behavior that could be related to ETI.  This too will be a topic for discussion and copies of the joint paper will be available to those interested.  Prospective attendees are encouraged to visit: for additional information.

Tuesday, Feb. 23Oasis Zoller  ( Oazis Zoller lives in Panama. She gives seminars and lectures about how humans are energetic beings and therefore the laws of Quantum Physics guide their success and happiness in life. Oazis, is a member of the Science and Consciousness Institute in Israel. In this institute over 300 professors, doctors and consciousness leaders research  to find connections between science and consciousness. Oazis has a technological background. She worked for many years in international initiatives and currently manages a Data Base of over 6000 entrepreneurs, scientists and investors, Oazis has also served as Webmaster of IBM Corporation. For over twenty years Oazis did research about consciousness capabilities according to the CIA studies ,Russian intelligence agencies like the KJB , Chinese and universities studies that not publicly available..

Tuesday, Mar. 1 -- Rainelda Mata-Kelly, locally famous attorney from Panama City.

Tuesday, Mar. 8Judith Smith is the co-founder and Director of the International Clinic of Biological Regeneration ( Her educational degrees, at the University of Missouri and graduate studies at Clayton University, were in the field of clinical nutrition. She is also a Fellow of the American Council of Applied Clinical Nutrition (FACACN) and served as educational coordinator for the ACACN from 1979 until 2007.  She practices Cell anti-aging treatment, developed by Dr. Paul Niehans in the 1930's at his world famous La Prairie Institute in Switzerland..  Judith has clinics in both Nassau and Mexico. The goal of Classic Cell Therapy is to slow, and even reverse, the biological age of the entire body. The focus is on the immune system and the endocrine systems, as well as connective tissue. Breakdown in these areas is the cause of aging and most chronic disease. The idea is to look and feel as well as you can, as long as you can, and have the vital energy to pursue your interests. While preventing the aging entirely is not yet attainable, the process can be slowed considerably.

 There is free admission to this talk.

Tuesday, Mar 15 -- Elizabeth Farrell de Rios presents "Tree-To-Cup Coffee: The history of a single bean at Villa Estrella Coffee" Why do different coffee farms have different coffee? Ever wonder about different roasts? What happens between the fruit and the drink?  For over 120 years, our family has tended this lush upland valley, where we steward some of the finest coffee on earth. We will explore every step of the artisan process and answer many of the common questions about coffee farming in Boquete, and production generally. Noobies, coffee snobs, and hobby farm owners are welcome to attend!

Tuesday, Mar 22 – Lourdes Miranda, partner in the local law firm of Miranda y Contreras, will speak to us about real estate transactions and immigration. Lourdes specializes in immigration law, real estate transaction, corporative law, civil law, labour law, and administrative law.

Tuesday, Mar 29 – Don Joffe

Tuesday, Apr.  5– Gabrielle Reynolds & Husband present "A month in Bali".

Tuesday, Apr.  19– Tom & Yella Werder


To suggest a speaker or topic for these meetings please email BCP Tuesday Meeting


To become a vendor at the Tuesday market, email Elena Serracin


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