10:30 in the BCP Theater
Your $1 admission helps us keep the doors open

Tuesday, October 30 - Don't Let a Medical Emergency Ruin Your Paradise - Dr Jennifer Daniels shares effective natural methods for handling emergencies quickly in the privacy of your home.
Dr Jennifer Daniels graduated from Medical School 35 years ago. During Medical School her residency and years of medical practice, the ineffectiveness of the methods she had been trained to use caused her great concern. Today, she will share with you the natural remedies she developed to
enable her patients to enjoy peace of mind and freedom from emergency rooms and medical intervention. She has lived in Panama for 10 years and works online.
Tuesday, November 6 – The Primates Project at UNACHI was born in middle 2016 inside an initiative of environment conservation and monitoring of the Primates population in lowlands of the Chiriqui province. The project reunites investigators and students from UNACHI with the public in general. This project has developed some activities in different districts and areas in the province; but its main objectives are orientated to the study and conservation of the primates, though talks, monitoring studies, internships, education campaigns and workshops in Chiriqui.
Primate Project objectives are:
1. Encourage the sustainable development;
2. Encourage the scientific research about primates;
3. Encourage environment culture;
4. Encourage the management for the forest and key species conservation;
5. Encourage the value and management of the biodiversity conservation;
7. Development environment education in the communities;
8. Encourage the integration and social empowerment;
9. Encourage the internationalization to the management for the primate's conservation in Chiriqui.
Dr. Ariel Rodríguez-Vargas, Biologist, specialist in conservation and environmental studies, works as a researcher in the Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui (UNACHI) and is the primates project director.
Dra. Laura Patiño Canom chemistry specialist in natural products, works as a researcher in the Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui (UNACHI) and is the primates project group coordinator.
Tuesday, November 13 - Awakening – the Old and New Buddhist Philosophies
The origins of Buddhism date back to 450 BC and the philosophy has undergone a constant evolution since then. This has allowed the Buddhism to become timeless, while very current. We will explore the history of Buddhism and how it has undergone a significant transformation in the last century. No matter what religion you follow there is something in the Buddhist philosophy for everyone.
Merl Will-Wallace has been an avid follower of Buddhist philosophy for over 20 years. He has noted its roots flowing into modern psychology and new age thought. Merl has incorporated much of what he has learned in his clinical counseling practice over the years, with many positive outcomes.
Tuesday, November 20—The RIGHT wine is the wine YOU enjoy
Louise Orr spent 29 years in the California wine business. During that time she worked as a Marketing Coordinator for De Loach Vineyards of Sonoma County, and for Boisset America, a French wine firm, that acquired De Loach in 2003. In 2007 she retired to Boquete and has been active with Buenos Vecinos de Boquete food charity, and the BCP Theater. Louise takes a practical, relaxed approach to the enjoyment of wine. She will offer some tips on buying, serving, and becoming confident about your wine choices. After all, the topic of her Tuesday Talk is "The RIGHT wine is the wine YOU enjoy!"
Tuesday, November 27—Filippo Maestrini from Grupo Aguas Chiriqui will address the current
water quality in Boquete, different methods for water purification, and how to maintain your water purification system.
Tuesday, December 4 – Hospital Cooperativo
Tuesday, December 11 - TBD
Tuesday, December 18 – TBD
Tuesday, December 25 – NO MARKET, NO TUESDAY TALK
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