Monday, February 27, 2023

[News Boquete] Somatic Movement and Sensory Motor Amnesia, plus CranioSacral Therapy. Sessions & Lessons in Alto Boquete

What would happen if all movement in the Universe stopped? Birds would stop flying, fish would stop swimming. Monkeys would stop swinging. Dogs and cats would stop walking, stalking, running and playing. Bunnies would stop hopping and planets would stop rotating on their axis and revolving around the sun. Movement is the element common to all creatures and is the innate life force of all that's alive. Without movement there's no life.

Thomas Hanna, the originator of Clinical Somatic Education observed humans and saw the more naturally a person moved and was in touch with their body, the happier and healthier they were.

He coined the term "Sensory Motor Amnesia" to describe the loss of sensation and motor control that occurs as we learn muscular patterns. As we learn a movement or posture, not only does the control of that movement or posture become automatic and involuntary, but we lose sensation of the movement or posture. Our proprioceptive and vestibular systems gradually adapt so we are unaware the muscular pattern is even occurring.


For example if we sit slouched forward at our computer day after day our nervous system learns to keep us in that slouched posture by keeping certain muscles contracted and our proprioceptive and vestibular systems allow us to get more and more comfortable in this unnatural position. Slouching forward begins to feel normal and even good, and sitting up straight takes effort and feels uncomfortable. We typically remain blissfully unaware of this subconscious adaptation until one day it finally causes us pain.

So, Sensory motor amnesia describes the negative effects of developing poor muscle memory; the state in which we have lost sensation and voluntary control of a movement or posture because it has become so deeply learned.

After reading all this, what is the solution? To consciously re-educate our nervous system to move naturally. To remember what we forgot upon replacing natural movement patterns after surgery, injury or when repeatedly performing poorly learned muscular movements as in a sport or exercise or for some odd reason never learned.

Know this - Movement which is natural & undoes pain cannot be done by another. Meaning a Massage Therapist, Chiropractor or some other touch professional does not have the ability to retrain another's nervous system. They can demonstrate a movement by moving the body to show how a movement is to be done. But for the nervous system to be retrained a person has to exhibit the movement him or herself then replicate this movement repeatedly for the mind to replace the ineffective movement [or lack of movement] with what is natural. Somatic movements [meaning of the body] need to be learned & can be taught. Thus through discipline and effort movements [or a lack of movement] causing pain are replaced by those which are natural & fluid.

* A Chat on the above subject including demonstrations with instructor & practitioner Suzanna Clare, will be at the library on April 27th. Information on CranioSacral Therapy will also be given. Time allowing, there will also be a demonstration of CST.

Appointments will soon be available in Alto Boquete in either Somatic Movement or CranioSacral Therapy or a combination of both modalities, To most effectively work on one's well-being & pain reduction, it is strongly suggested to do both therapies, either at the same or in different sessions. Sessions/lessons are $40 for 60 to 75 minutes, $50 for 90 minutes and $60 for 2 hours. Massage may also be employed with the CranioSacral session for the recipient to relax deeply and and best receive the therapy. If movements/exercises are taught, detailed instructions for the sequence designed for each client will be emailed after each session to support practice on a daily or bi-daily basis.

*For more info about CranioSacral Therapy please send a request and prior Boquete news announcements will be forwarded. You can also go to  plus numerous videos on CranioSacral Therapy are available on YouTube.

To schedule an appointment or to inquire if one or both therapies are appropriate for You, email  ... Do know email  is my preferred and sole source of communication. 

** And...Please note I recently moved my home and work location to Alto Boquete and am still settling in. I will be available for appointments next week and later, but am available to communicate and schedule for then.

"Looking forward to meeting and working with You!"- Suzanna Clare

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