A Big Thank You to the Boquete Community!
Our latest Buenos Vecinos Food Drive in front of Romero's Food Market in Boquete August 18th was a great success, thanks to generous community and even tourists who stopped by to learn more about our food charity and to donate cash and selected non-perishable food items. By the end of the day, BVB had collected enough to support one of our needy families for more than a year. We appreciate your big hearts!
We want to also thank those Coconut Foundation Members who recently renewed their annual pledges to support BVB for a minimum of $360 a year. And hats off to N & N Catering (Nairn Cutten and Nancy Halbert) who donate the profits from their catering jobs to Buenos Vecinos. Their substantial donation means that our clients will continue to find BVB groceries at their door throughout the year. BVB could not exist without this kind of support. Thank you!
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