Monday, December 31, 2018
Google Alert – Panama Card
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Kolumbien & Panama 2018 Kolumbien und Panama sind zwei fantastische Reiseziele. Cartagena ist eine tolle Stadt in Kolumbien mit einer sehr schönen Altstadt. Eine Bootsfahrt ...
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[News Boquete] Reminder: Today Children´s Xmas Party
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[News Boquete] New years Resolution #1 - Improve your health.
Medical laser treatments can make you look and feel better.
Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus - Our new treatment is even more effective
Remove dark skin spots and discoloration - usually takes only a treatment or two.
Is your face red? - Rosacea and spider veins can be instantly treated.
Hair in the wrong places? - unwanted upper lip and facial hair can be quickly eliminated.
Facial rejuvenation - regenerate your facial skin; smooth fine wrinkles; improve skin tone and color.
Warts, tattoos, melasma, psoriasis, acne and a host of other problems can also be treated.
Dr. Harrison works with Dra. Digna Diaz here in Boquete. For details of our laser treatments please visit our US website: For questions please email Dr. Harrison at For an appointment please call Dra. Diaz at 6615-6740.
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[News Boquete] Auditions at BCP
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Google Alert – The Panama Insider
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EU stopft Steuerschlupflöcher für Großkonzerne Eine 2016 beschlossene EU-Richtlinie tritt mit Jahresbeginn in Kraft. ... damals vor dem Hintergrund der Enthüllungen der „Panama Papers". Damals ...
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Sunday, December 30, 2018
[News Boquete] Aliens from Outer Space Accidentally Attend a Pilates Class at the Haven...
Saturday, December 29, 2018
[News Boquete] Exhibit of Volcan Quilters January 2019
Tel: 507-720-2879
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[News Boquete] NEW YEARS EVE Dinner, Drinks and Dancing on the BEACH at Las Olas Beach Resort!
Join us NEW YEARS EVE at the Las Olas Beach Resort for the BEST NEW YEARS CELEBRATION in Chiriqui!
You and your guests can share a table on our beautiful beach under the tiki torches and moonlight, while dining on great food and listening to DeDe and Larry Wedekind and the fantastic La Rumba Band! Dinner Buffet, drinks & bottle service at tables (separate charge for alcoholic beverages), and beautiful beach views and breezes! Dance the night away to fireworks, lazer lights, fire dancers, stilt walkers and other fun for adults and the kids. Dancing, hot music, and bottles of champagne and other menu bottles of drinks for tables, as well as romantic bonfires and fireworks for everyone!! This is known as "THE" NEW YEARS PARTY in all of Chiriqui! We sell out each year, please reserve now for the best tables and to get your spot! We still have a few rooms left so reserve now! Room and food packages available!
¡Únase a nosotros el EVE DE AÑO NUEVO en Las Olas Beach Resort para la MEJOR CELEBRACIÓN DE AÑOS NUEVOS en Chiriquí!
Usted y sus invitados pueden compartir una mesa en nuestra hermosa playa bajo las antorchas tiki y la luz de la luna. Mientras escuchas a DeDe y Larry Wedekind y la fantástica banda La Rumba! Cena Buffet, bebidas y servicio de botell en las mesas (cargo separado por bebidas alcohólicas), y hermosas vistas de la playa y la brisa! Tenemos bailes, fuegos artificiales, luces, bailarines de fuego, caminantes sobre zancos y otra diversión para los niños. Baile, música caliente, y botellas de champán y otras botellas de bebidas de menú para mesas, así como hogueras románticas y fuegos artificiales para todos. ¡Esto se conoce como LA FIESTA DE AÑOS NUEVOS en todo Chiriqui! ¡Vendemos todos los años, por favor reserve ahora para las mejores mesas y para obtener su lugar! ¡Todavía nos quedan algunas habitaciones así que reserve ahora! Paquetes de habitación y comida disponible.
Date: Monday Dec. 31st
Times: Buffet opens at 7pm and the party goes all night, usually till 3am!
Location: Las Olas Resort - Beach Front
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[News Boquete] Thank you Boquete from ACCBoquete
"Life without God is like an unsharpened has no point!"
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[News Boquete] Fwd: Finca Santa Marta Organic Produce
Hi to our all our faithful customers… and Happy New Year to all. I am looking forward to my return to Finca Santa Marta on the 2nd and hope to see you all on the 6th at the Chiriqui Storage Sunday Flea Market and on the 8th at the normal Tuesday Morning Market at the BCP Ron Miller
In the mean time… Here is the upcoming New Year's delivery schedule for Boquete and David.
Since Tuesday January 1st is a holiday and there will be no Tuesday Morning Market… Finca Santa Marta Organic Produce will be delivering all pre orders made from our web site to Plaza San Francisco on Wed. Jan. 2nd between 9:30 am and 10:30 am. David orders will be dropped off at the usual location at 11:15 am.
Look for our white Mazda pickup parked across the street south of the Plaza parking lot under the shade trees.
This service is for pre orders only. There will be no extra products available for sale that day at the truck.
Please get your orders in by Monday morning at 7:00 am. Orders received after that time will be filled if possible.
See our web site to order:
Questions may directed to Ron via email through the web site or by calling 540-560-9680 which is a US cell number.
Thanks for supporting your local Certified Organic vegetable farm. Here's wishing you and yours a very Prosperous New Year.
Ron Miller and the FSM crew.