Friday, September 7, 2018

[News Boquete] Sunday Movie: 1:00pm September 9 at the BCP Theater: The Rider (USA - 2018)

We don't charge admission, but we do ask for donations to support BCP and the Film Club program.  $2-3 per person is suggested, but any level of donation is much appreciated.  

The Clubhouse Cafe in the BCP Hex Room will be open this Sunday.  Food and drink are available for purchase, and you can eat in the Clubhouse before or after the movie, or bring food into the theater.  But please clean up after yourselves so we don't have to hire a janitor.  

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  September Films:   
  • September 16 - Baghdad Cafe (USA/German - 1987)
  • September 23 -The Finest Hours (USA - 2016)
  • September 30 - Cinema Paradiso (Italian - 1988)

  October Films:   (Dates to be announced) 

  • Mama Mia 2: Here We Go Again (USA - 2018 - to be released on DVD in October) 
Sunday, September 9 @ 1:00pm - The Rider (USA - 2018)  1hr. 45 min.

English language film with English subtitles

Ratings:  IMDB - 7.5/10,  Rotten Tomatoes - 96% - 4/4   (
Rated R for language and drug use)   


 The best American movie this critic has seen in the past year, Chloé Zhao's "The Rider," is the kind of rare work that seems to attain greatness through an almost alchemical fusion of nominal opposites. An account of rodeo riders on a South Dakota reservation, it is so fact-based that it almost qualifies as a documentary. Yet the film's style, its sense of light and landscape and mood, simultaneously give it the mesmerizing force of the most confident cinematic poetry.

Add to that the fact that this enrapturing vision of an indigenous American and hyper-masculine culture comes from a young female filmmaker who hails from Beijing and the achievements of "The Rider" are fairly staggering. Chloé Zhao has lived in the U.S. for some time, and her debut feature, "Songs My Brother Taught Me," was shot and set on the same reservation and also used locals instead of actors as its cast. Reviewing that film, I said it belonged to a category of films that borrow from the cinematic subjects and strategies associated with Terrence Malick. While that influence may still underlie Zhao's work, the apprentice here emerges as a master; "The Rider" is a quantum leap beyond its predecessor.

One of Zhao's key assets in making the film was her discovery of Brady Jandreau, who plays the film's main character, Brady Blackburn, who looks to be around 20. I went into my first viewing of "The Rider" knowing nothing about it, and there was one scene about a third of the way in that proved both electrifying and crucially clarifying. Brady is in a corral with a rancher and a wild horse that the man says has never been ridden. Brady offers to train him and proceeds to do just that—and watching him is breathtaking.

Link to trailer


David van Harn

Curator, Boquete Film Club

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