Saturday, September 14, 2024

[News Boquete] Fulfilling the intention

Before moving to Boquete my desire was to help animals.  Now being in Boquete almost nine years that is what I have been doing and focusing on cats.  My mission began when I would be at the veterinary office and people would bring in their beloved pets for attention.  There would also be the cases when I volunteered at the Woonsocket, RI Animal Shelter for rescued cats.  Upon hearing the cost of treatment most often difficult choices had to be made.  I set my goal that I would do my best so decisions like that would not have to be made to forgo treatment. I have been fulfilling my mission by providing medical attention and the follow up care so cats will not go without.  In one week from September 1st to September 7th, Kirsten Cares For Cats provided $1,133.55 in care.  This week is looking to be about the same as 2 cats are still being hospitalized.  This is only a portion of our expenses as we feed cats at the feeding stations, pay for sterilizations and provide the necessities for cats and kittens in foster care.  Donations received by Kirsten Cares For Cats go directly to caring for cats.  Receipts can be provided.  Kirsten Cares For Cats is fulfilling a dream.  I am grateful to the donors who share in this endeavor for one person can not fulfill this mission.

Kirsten Cares For Cats
WhatsApp/Yappy 6446-2794
501 C 3 donations accepted

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