H.E. The British Ambassador, Dr. Ian Collard and his team from the British Embassy will be visiting Boquete for two working days on Monday and Tuesday, 30 and 31 March, 2015. The team consists of Ambassador Dr. Ian Collard, Ariel Perez, Director of Trade and Investment, Ana Lorena Jones, Consular Services, and Kirvyn Vargas, Political and Media officer. Their program will include the following events:
Monday, 30th March, 9.30 - 12 noon. The team will hold a "Pop Up" Embassy at the Boquete Library, at the meeting room on the 3rd Floor.
No appointment is necessary if you wish to consult any member of the team as services are provided on a "first come first serve" basis.
During his visit the Ambassador will present a book to the Library.
Please note: the British Consulate also provides assistance to the nationals of EU and Commonwealth countries who do not have representation in Panama.
We thank the Boquete Library for making their room available to us.
Tuesday, 31st March, 5.30 - 7 p.m. This is an informal opportunity to meet the Ambassador and his team as they hold a "meet and greet" at the covered terrace of the Stone Cabins,
The Stone Cabins are located just off the main road, as you leave Boquete turn right opposite the Claro shop and the Stone Cabins are immediately on your left. There is a sign on the main road and if you reach the gas station you have gone too far!
Ambassador Collard will be visiting the offices of the Police, Bomberos, Sinaproc, and the Mayor, while he is in Boquete to better understand the status of operations in this area.
If you require any further information, please contact Tricia Daugherty at triciajdaugherty@hotmail.com or telephone 66252564
Follow the Embassy! | Website: www.gov.uk/government/world/panama | Facebook: British Embassy Panama City | Twitter: @UKinPanama
Monday, 30th March, 9.30 - 12 noon. The team will hold a "Pop Up" Embassy at the Boquete Library, at the meeting room on the 3rd Floor.
No appointment is necessary if you wish to consult any member of the team as services are provided on a "first come first serve" basis.
During his visit the Ambassador will present a book to the Library.
Please note: the British Consulate also provides assistance to the nationals of EU and Commonwealth countries who do not have representation in Panama.
We thank the Boquete Library for making their room available to us.
Tuesday, 31st March, 5.30 - 7 p.m. This is an informal opportunity to meet the Ambassador and his team as they hold a "meet and greet" at the covered terrace of the Stone Cabins,
The Stone Cabins are located just off the main road, as you leave Boquete turn right opposite the Claro shop and the Stone Cabins are immediately on your left. There is a sign on the main road and if you reach the gas station you have gone too far!
Ambassador Collard will be visiting the offices of the Police, Bomberos, Sinaproc, and the Mayor, while he is in Boquete to better understand the status of operations in this area.
If you require any further information, please contact Tricia Daugherty at triciajdaugherty@hotmail.com or telephone 66252564
Follow the Embassy! | Website: www.gov.uk/government/world/panama | Facebook: British Embassy Panama City | Twitter: @UKinPanama
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