Saturday, August 3, 2024

[News Boquete] Body Building and Mental Strengthening... Do mind altering substances, especially alcohol, have healthful benefits at anytime, but particularly as we age?

"When I was a teen into my twenties I was a hippie. Lots of mind-altering drugs, lots of alcohol. I loved putting them together, because the speed in the drugs enabled me to drink a huge amount. So, boy did I get loaded. My goal was to burn myself out. I even told people that. I was proud of it. But really, what did I mean? I think I meant that I wanted to be high all the time and beyond the limitations or boundaries of my sober mind. Obviously I had an abundance of emotional problems which didn't make being sober pleasant or the least bit fun. And as I got addicted and more and more toxic I couldn't stand being straight. I needed to smoke a joint or have a drink or the sugar and caffeine in a big bottle of RC cola to alter how I felt, To make it tolerable being inside my skin.

So, why am I saying all this? I'll soon be having my 45 year anniversary of not drinking. Three years prior to age 28 when I was 25, I stopped drugs and 5 years later when I was 33. I stopped smoking pot. I'm now 73. So ever since I was 25 I've been turning my life around. The same passion I had for being wild I've now directed to being healthy, sane and fit. Gratefully, I think I've done a good job and feel I've learned a lot along the way. I may not have much money, but I gratefully have my health and sanity. And the question I always asked myself was which was more important? Having lots of money in the bank and tons of possessions or being healthy and sane? I never was able to figure out how to have both. But recognize some people do. However I think that they didn't start out with such a deficit or challenge to undo and had a more normal life- marrying, having [or not having] children, buying houses and having a job with benefits. 

Thankfully, I've developed a number of good habits along the way of my healing.that I now take for granted. I exercise everyday in multiple ways, meditate and have a spiritual life, cook what I think to be healthy food for myself, know myself quite thoroughly through a lot of psychotherapy, education, writing & self-reflection, have a huge garden and since I've become a lot older outside the states, have managed to heal myself naturally with diet, herbs and supplements or do what's necessary when something about my mind and body goes amiss. During the course of my life I feel that I worked through a lot of karma which gives me great satisfaction.

And yes, I was a mess, but I feel that I learned a lot and have some messages to share with others accrued from my healing.  Alcohol and drugs, other than when done minimally and I do mean minimally. such as once or twice a month, have no place in our life if we choose to be well, especially as we age. They're toxic and negatively affect the brain and body and have no health benefits. Feeling good naturally through a healthy diet, meditation or having a spiritual life in some other way, and regular exercise are the way to go. Having passions and interests and exploring them, good friends and/or family with whom to share and perhaps a doggie and kitty, all help us mentally as we get older. 

And from what all I've seen working on myself and with other people, alcohol and mind altering substances may be an unconscious way of numbing oneself from pain while causing your underlying condition to worsen. Or they could just be a habit that it's time to let go to support the healing and strengthening of one's mind and body. Bodybuilding and various avenues for mental strengthening may be undertaken to face ourselves with clarity and to naturally feel better. And If one has pain, the question can be asked of what are you doing to cause it and what can you do to improve or undo it?  Sometimes it's simply time to drop old habits to change and grow to enjoy life and feel more powerful and pleasantly embodied."

- Suzanna Clare, M.A., is a Certified Integrative Yoga Therapist & Pilates Instructor, a prior Personal Trainer & Lic. Massage Therapist. She taught Pilates at the Haven for 8 years prior to the quarantine. Now in her early 70's, she has been a natural health & fitness professional for over 40 years. With an M.A. in Rehabilitation Counseling she was also an Addiction's Counselor and a Case Manager with a Senior Services Assistance Agency.

Suzanna gives Private Sessions in multiple modalities- combining Pilates & Yoga with Strength Training- at the San Francisco Plaza Gym for either $20 an hour for one session or purchase a package of 4 for $60 [all 4 must be taken within a month]. Plus pay $3.00 at the door entry fee. Sessions are offered Tuesdays through Saturdays- Late mornings & early afternoons- when the gym is most often quiet,

Interested in knowing more and scheduling an appointment? 
Email Ms Clare at
And do know email is her sole source of communication. 
"Gracias for your attention." - Suzanna

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