Wednesday, July 29, 2015

[News Boquete] Smoker? Need to QUIT SMOKING? . GUARANTEED


In a study done by a big pharmaceutical company before committing to development of smoking cessation drugs they found that;

80% of smokers actually want to quit. The other 20%, oddly enough, obtain some kind of pleasure from it.

Which group are you in?

If you or someone you know is part of that 80%, there is help available that uses nothing but one's own internal resources and intelligence to overcome what is almost universally considered very very difficult if not impossible.

All kinds of quit smoking aids such as nicotine gum, nicotine patches, and the latest gimmick e-cigs also known as vaping devices, are actually alternative nicotine delivery systems. Isn't nicotine and the other chemicals in cigarettes what Smokers Want To Quit? Yet they are marketed to and bought by sincere people that just want to quit their nicotine intake. Another type of product,  very expensive "smoking cessation drugs", are in the anti-depressant group of drugs and have many undesirable physical & psychological side effects. All the above mentioned products have two things in common. Most of the time they don't work, and they are not guaranteed. Right?

Yet, an elite few have simply decided to quit and made that decision stick. On their own! How is it that "they" can and you haven't had success with the same task? After all, it's just a decision, isn't it? We make decisions all the time, don't we? Most of them are sticky enough that we simply follow through and don't look back. How do we do that....with regard to compulsive behaviors & habits like smoking? It can and has been done, both without and with expert help.


Let's face it, smoking just isn't very socially acceptable & "cool" anymore. Is that not right? 


Are you ready, willing, & able to follow directions and trust your inner wisdomThat is all it takes and IT WORKS with little or none of the after effects normally associated with quitting smoking.


Start the session as a smoker who has made the decision to quit for the final time & when the session is finished leave as a nonsmoker. GUARANTEED! You may ask yourself, how much is quitting really worth for me? A 3 month supply of cigarettes? 6 month supply? A year? Did you just hear that voice in your head mention all the other non-monetary benefits, like health, etc...?

To schedule your no cost 20 minute pre-session interview to gauge the potency of your reasons to quit & determine your suitability for this method:

Contact me by phone 770-8011 or email  



"Before my session with Patrick, I was a cigarette smoker for thirty-five of my forty-nine years. …I have been a Non-smoker the entire time since our session.  I have no inclination to do it at all."   John A., Session date 9-6-2012; Testimonial given  11-9-2012


"I smoked on and off for 18 years, quit several times, and am now a non-smoker. I was impressed by the depth of conversation and what was revealed to me about me..."     Laura D., Session date 2-21-2013; Testimonial given 04-10-2013 


About me:

My name is Patrick Fishell. I currently live in Puerto Armuelles. Through Kona University I am a Certified Quit Smoking Specialist, Master Practitioner of Neuro Lingustic Programming, Master Practitioner of M.E.R.(Mental & Emotional Release techniques), and Master Practitioner of Hypnosis. To help a person Quit

 Smoking I employ the richness of the English language, your unique interpretations that you produce within, and your imagination, to guide you to use your substantial internal resources. Once reconnected with those resources you are enabled to accomplish your conscious goal to quit smoking, and perhaps some other things that you won't know until you know.


Phone Contact: 770-8011

Email: or

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