Monday, January 17, 2011

[Noticias] New Revision to Boquete Hotline Service



As many of you are aware, Fundacion Alto al Crimen established a free 24/7 bilingual Hotline (6477-6662) almost one year ago to help all residents in reporting police, fire, medical, and roadside emergencies.  The Hotline has been a tremendous success, with many positive stories.

 Now, we would like to take it a step further.  In the past, Ron Sherwood has graciously compiled a list of expat names and directions to their home.  This list has been given to the Police and Bomberos, should they be called in an emergency directly by the resident.

 In conjunction with Ron, Fundacion Alto al Crimen is asking anyone who wishes to be a part of this enhanced service to provide your name, telephone number, and specific directions to your home.  This will be kept by the operator of the Boquete Hotline, instead of at the Bomberos or Police.  The first list will be compiled on February 1, 2011, and will be updated as new information is received from residents.  The service is available to persons in Boquete District (including Caldera and Palmira), as well as Potrerillos and Dolega.

 Persons opting in to this service will be assigned an ID number that will become attached to the directions kept by the Hotline.  Now, in an emergency, a caller will only need to call the Hotline and say, "My ID number is ___, and I need the (Police, Fire, Ambulance)."  The Operator will dispatch the requested services, then call back the number we have on file to advise help is on the way.  In an emergency situation, one of the first challenges is to remain calm and be able to relate accurate information.  The ID system shortens this process and gets help on the way faster.

 Naturally, if the caller is able to relate more information, that is always helpful, but at the very least, help will be on its way.

 We also understand that there are people who do not wish their phone number and directions to their residence kept in an off-site location.  The Hotline will still be available to these people by calling in and providing all necessary information during the emergency request.

 Families who would like to be a part of the ID/Directions service of the Boquete Hotline should send an email to, and provide the following:

1.     Name(s) of persons at the residence.   Only one ID number per residence, please.

2.     Primary Email address.

3.     Preferred telephone number.

4.     Concise directions from a major reference point (downtown, CEFATI, a road junction, etc.) to their home.  English is fine, the Hotline operator will translate to Spanish for the responders.  Please be concise and accurate.

 Upon receipt, you will be contacted for any clarifications in directions, and be given your unique ID number.

 This is a FREE service offered by Fundacion Alto al Crimen and the Boquete Hotline (6477-6662).  All of our services are funded by donation.

 Without sounding too much like that place up North, we would like to remind residents that Fundacion Alto al Crimen attempts to maintain accurate information and provide quality FREE services.  We are not responsible for errors, omissions, bad info, Panamanianisms, down telephone service, sunspots, plague, pestilence, open doors and windows, con men, visa or currency problems.  In other words, we are here to help, but you need to be responsible for your own self.

Any questions, please contact

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