Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Healthy chocolate

Healthy Chocolate

24 - 25 Chocolate500
Healthy chocolate
Million pounds of chocolates are exported and imported by countries all around the world for the sole reason that it's a food for the soul. Many consume cocoa rich product to relieve stress for it have natural stress-relieving agents suited for those depressed and stressed.
Healthy Choco
Panama produces one of the healthiest cocoa in the world. Studies show that cocoa produced by the Kuna Indians of Panama, lowers the risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, cancer and even diabetes. The secret to why Choco made by the Kuna Indians is healthier is by the way they consume and prepare it. They first ground the roasted beans then place it in boiling water with bananas as sweetener then drink it. They drink Choco made from cocoa almost 5 times a day. The cocao content of this Kuna beverage is about 70-80% which makes it a lot healthier than other choco products measuring an average of 20 – 40 % of pure cocoa.
How it is produced
For us to enjoy its benefits, we must first learn the processes it takes for it to get into our favourite packaging. Chocolates are from the cacao tree from the evergreen tree family, is commonly found in areas with tropical climate like Panama and other tropical regions of the world. The various parts of cacao tree like the leaves, roots and flower are used as medicinal agent. The seeds in fruits are the ones harvested to produce cacao.  The seeds are fist cleaned and segregated by type and roasted. Then the cacao beans are cracked and winnowed leaving the nibs essential in making the cocoa that we love. The nibs itself can be eaten but it's still bitter. To produce the bar form that we know, the nibs are crushed and made into a thick paste called cocoa liquor. Then the cocoa liquor is sweetened and flavoured to make our favourite sweet.

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