Thursday, March 14, 2013

[News Boquete] Amigos de Animales clinic on Sunday March 10

On Sunday March 10, Amigos de Animales Boquete spayed or neutered another 182 Animals: 131 dogs and 51 cats at El Cacho gym.  We are thankful and grateful to all our volunteers and the doctors who made this possible.  This was our biggest clinic yet, getting us ever closer to the 5000th animal to be sterilized through our organization. It was a long day for everyone, especially the vets who were on their feet working without stop for 9 hours.


Putting on one of these big clinics is a 3 day affair, no easy feat.  These things do not just magically appear at El Cacho, it requires a tremendous coordination of time, effort, muscle, trucks and volunteers to transform an empty gym into a fully functional veterinary clinic.


This was a marathon (one that we are not likely to repeat any time soon), but at the end it is still about the animals and our Panamanian friends and neighbors with whom it is our privilege to work.


These clinics do cost money to put on and the cost is rising, though we have not raised our prices in the seven years we have been in business.  Thanks to the combined efforts of the Amigos de Animales volunteers and the volunteers for Bid4Boquete, we were recently awarded a check for $15,000.00 from the money raised at the Bid4Boquete event last month.  This money helps us continue to support our mission to spay/neuter the animals of our community thereby contributing to the overall health and livability of Boquete.  Many thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make this happen and especially to the Tres Mujeres, Penny, Bonnie, and Anayansi, for all their hard work and dedication on the behalf of Animales and the other charities involved.


Alicia McGuigan

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