Squirt is having another GIANT Moving Sale
on Saturday, May 10
9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.
at her house in Alto Boquete
(See directions below)
If you came before
And you think you saw it all....
Believe me....YOU DIDN'T
Many, many more items are for sale now!
Office Supplies you won't believe
$2.00 for a gallon bag full of an assortment of Office Supplies
Or 3 bags full for $5.00
CD's and DVD's
Photo paper
All sorts of mailers of various sizes
etc. etc. etc.
Think of Office Depot
Book shelves galore
Wooden and plastic ones from $5.00 to $25.00
Plastic stack drawers
Very handy to store
the office supplies you buy at the sale
Including a wonderful MOLA
Electrical cords-$1.00 each
Music instruction books-$2.00 each
Guitar gig bag-$20.00
Extension cords-$1.00 each
Movies and more movies-$2.00 each
Computer speakers
Wicker tables
Tote bags
MANY boxes (11) of Postcard and Coin supplies
And Catalogues
Full page plastic sheets can be used
In Photography or however
Maybe you don't collect Postcards or Coins now
But have ALWAYS wanted to
This is your chance to start
I will sell ALL of these great supplies
For only $100.00!!
And the list of stuff for sale goes on an on!
You can contact Squirt at
or 6492-2691
I will also be set up again at the Chiriquí Storage Flea Market
For the Last Time on June 1
Be Sure and Come!
DIRECTIONS TO THE HOUSE for the Saturday, May 10 Sale from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Coming from Boquete towards David you will pass the Alemana Restaurant on the right. Then you will see the Benito Argote High School, again on the right. You will see the Sports Stadium (Soccer Field) immediately after the High School. At the end of the sports stadium on your right and BEFORE you get to the large sign (which you cannot read from this side) go across the highway on the turn over, and turn left onto our gravel road. If you should see the San Francisco Plaza on your right, you have gone too far! Once you are on the gravel road, go straight. Ours is the house at the end with a large covered gate and a red tile top. There is an X on the electrical box at our gate, and the number 45 way up high on the right. You will be facing the garage and our large covered vegetable garden. Come around the house to the terrace to enter.
Should you get lost our phone number is 6492-2691.
We live in Alto Boquete. Coming from David towards Boquete you will pass Ivan's Supermercado on your right. Ivan's was formerly called Lilly's. You will pass the shopping center called SAN FRANCISCO on your left. You are VERY close when you pass the school on your left called something like SAGRADO CORAZON DE JESUS. Start looking for a large broken sign that says "MOBIL..." on your left, and get ready to turn right. When you see the large broken sign on the left that says "MOBIL...", TURN RIGHT onto our gravel road. If you pass the Argote High School Sports Stadium (Soccer Field) on your left, you have gone too far! Once you are on the gravel road, go straight. Ours is the house at the end with a large covered gate and a red tile top. There is an X on the electrical box at our gate, and the number 45 way up high on the right. You will be facing the garage. Come around the house to the terrace to enter.
Should you get lost our phone number is 6492-2691.
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