Thursday, May 21, 2015

[News Boquete] Innovative experiences that illuminate the soul!

Harreson and I are very pleased to have the opportunity to share this beautiful teacher/healer with like hearted people.  This is such a blessing to have Wilbert Alix come to Boquete!  If you take the time to familiarize yourself with the information below you will see how special this is going to be.


Tickets are on sale at Mail Box Etc. 
for the Seminar on May 27 
Start time 2PM until 5PM
at Casa de Montaña B&B

To register  for the events on May 31st or June 6th please contact me at 6669-9694 or



COST: $60



Wilbert Alix explores the contemporary application of shamanic healing rituals. His work involves the blending of modern science and principles of mysticism into applicable new technologies that benefit and improve our approaches to ecology, psychotherapy, education and resolving cultural conflicts. His work with Trance Dance and Rites of Passage has introduced thousands to the mysteries that lay within shamanism.


"Healing is not about therapy.  It's beyond your mind.  It's about magic.  Healing occurs when we can enter the energy field of whomever or whatever you are struggling to forgive."

"Happiness in life is not achieved by finding the right answers but rather by asking deep and meaningful questions"

Absent of a reliable spiritual map there have been times when many of us feel like victims of life and living. Our ignorance of such a map causes us to live out the illusion that life is a struggle. Instead we deny our true consciousness and become saturated with spiritual lies. The result of our unawareness is that we (1) remain ignorant about who we were, (2) frequently question where we are, and (3) look to others for answers to our future. 

After the age of 40 time itself slows down. This is because life stops being a search for 'WHO AM I' and becomes rather an examination of 'WHY AM I'. WHY AM I becomes our new reason for living and is generally answered by making some type of meaningful contribution to the communities in which we live.

Understanding the 12 Rites Of Passage helps us to experience crisis as opportunity and share the wisdom and value of each passage faced by us all. These passages are not random events but rather a spiritual map to our higher consciousness. 

Rites Of Passage is a holistic, spiritual model based on an inevitable journey that ALL humans travel in their lifetime. It reveals the 12 mystical stages of the evolution of the human soul.

Rites Of Passage also clarifies when and why we experience life crises, and more importantly, provides an awareness to alternative approaches to transforming these dilemmas.  As each stage is experienced and understood, we develop a growing wisdom and intelligence that serves as the foundation for living an enriched life and creating a balanced society.




12:30PM - 4:30PM

COST: $60

Trance Dance is a unique blend of body movement, healing sounds, dynamic percussive rhythms, transformational breathing techniques and the innovative use of a blindfold or bandana - together stimulating a 'trance' state that promotes spiritual awakenings, mental clarity, physical stamina and emotional well-being.  Spiritual dancing is a cross-cultural phenomenon, a testament to its power and authenticity.


Wilbert has established ongoing Trance Dance programs in approximately 30 countries around the world

"I've devoted more than 40 years of my life to the pursuit of this self-discovery, both in terms of my own evolution and the evolution of new shamanic ritual techniques. I believe that Trance Dance is a  descendant of these ancient traditions... and obviously so am I."                                                                            


"My childhood memory is filled with nights when I gathered with friends in the streets of my old neighborhood, utilizing anything to make rhythmic beats, creating endless variations of long soulful rhythms that I now know induce trance."




Info for all events in Boquete with Wilbert Alix:






3:00PM - 6:00PM 


"The Quality of your life is determined by the quality of your relationships"



In the ALIVE RELATIONSHIPS Seminar we explore 20 unique qualities that promote SPIRITUAL GROWTH and EVOLUTION within our relationships. Wilbert Alix, a world renowned teacher and lecturer, will skillfully guide us into embodying the deeper spiritual significance of each of these 20 qualities and demonstrate how relating with a companion can actually encourage deep, individual growth.

These 20 qualities impact our capacity to relate to another person within our romantic relationships, our friendships and our families. They are also evident OR lacking in our relationship to sex, health, finances, spirituality and career. Every quality we acquire and embrace enlightens every other aspect of our life. It is about our personal power, our integrity, our ethics and our standards. And, in all of those areas, we have more choices than we think we do.

Relationships are truly more about our self than any other person. They are a reflection of our inner world. Through this amazing seminar we discover that relationships are also our opportunity to re-create our inner reality... to learn more about who we are. Like dressing in front of a mirror, alive relationships reveal details that, once perceived and understood, make it possible to become stronger, wiser and more open to life, love & living.

In the ALIVE RELATIONSHIPS SEMINAR we learn about 20 CHARACTERISTICS we see in persons who manifest health in their relationships to family, money, wealth, marriage... to literally everything and everyone they contact. We will learn how and where they exist in our life and how to improve them for ourselves.

It makes no difference what your present situation is... single, in a relationship, together, alone. Explore these concepts and you will find the only truth you will ever need... YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO YOURSELF. This is a rare opportunity to learn from one of the world's foremost experts on awakening true inner growth.

What makes relationships HEALTHY is directly related to how 'ALIVE' they are. We invite you to participate and discover how to create aliveness through understanding the principles that build integrity and clarity of purpose in relationships.




For more than 30 years Wilbert Alix has guided thousands of people towards healthier relationships through his teaching of the MASTERING ALIVE RELATIONSHIPS WORKSHOPS in the USA, EUROPE and CANADA. A prominent figure in the emerging science of body-centered psychology, Wilbert is a master teacher whose presentations are accentuated by intellectual depth and a unique insight into the relationships between progressive psychology, modern science and shamanic healing. Read more...


Love is not a good reason to get into a relationship! It's nice when its present but love alone is no reason to make long term agreements... and love itself doesn't ever require these types of agreements. In fact, what kills love in a relationship is when we make too many agreements, or unnecessary agreements. Typically it's our failure to let go of these dead agreements that causes people to leave each other.  Its time for us to re-think how we define relationships... and to re-evaluate our antiquated ideas about what makes a relationship successful. 


1. Being Responsible To, Not for Each Other

2. Responsiveness and Existential Living

3. Awareness That Thought Is Creative

4. Making The Choice To Think

5. Service, Support, and Acknowledgement

6. Trust and Affinity

7. Effective Communication

8. The Absence of Parental Authority

9. The Ability To Receive

10. High Self Esteem

11. Honorable Sexuality

12. Freedom and Dignity

13. The Ability To Be Alone Together

14. Creativity

15. Healing

16. Forgiveness As A Conscious State

17. Assertiveness

18. Laughter, Humor and Playfulness

19. Relatedness: No Beginning, No End, Only Change

20. The Presence Of Love


"You cannot transcend anything you have not 
fully experienced."


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