Saturday, March 17, 2012


Reply To: gabriella carlsson <>

Get a free Osteopathic Assessment at The Haven

If you suffer any kind of joint or muscular PAIN this might be the answer to get you pain free.


My name is Gabriella Carlsson I am an osteopath trained in the UK. I invite you to get an free osteopathic assessment to see if I can help with your problem. You can either drop by The Haven on Tuesday or if you want to be sure call The Haven to book a time - 730 9345.

The list of ailments osteopathy can treat is almost endless but below is some ideas for some common problems and the osteopathic approach to them -

Arm problems -Arm problems such as pain, pins and needles, numbness and swelling can be due to a number of factors. Some common structures causing problem are 

Neck: the nerves that supply the arm come from the brachial plexus, which arises in the lower half of the neck.
Thoracic outlet: a space in the lower front neck. Nerves and-or blood vessels becoming compressed most commonly by tight muscles or incorrect position of upper ribs.
Joints: shoulder, elbow, wrist
Muscles: strain, tendinitis

Osteopathic examination can help to diagnose the cause of the problem and lead to an effective treatment plan for the underlying cause of symptoms.

Scoliosis - A scoliosis is a lateral curvature that can occur throughout the whole spine or at a localised area. Scoliosis can be classified as functional or structural.

Structural curves are due to the spine becoming misshapen as it grows, so that the vertebrae become wedge-shaped.

Functional curves are very common and are usually very mild, occurring as a result of altered posture, usually due to bad habits, the result of a leg length difference, or in response to altered use of, for example, one arm. Functional curves may not cause any noticeable side effects, but they will have an effect on the local musculoskeletal structures.

What happens in scoliosis?
Muscles on the concave side of the curve will tighten, and those on the convex side will lengthen and weaken. This will cause the vertebrae to be pulled closer together and may cause them to become wedge-shaped. Nerves in the area may become more or less sensitive.
The curve may also cause problems in the internal organs, due to crowding or altered blood or nerve flow. The extent of the problem usually depends on the severity of the curve.

Osteopathy can provide relief of the symptoms of scoliosis. In the case of functional curves caused by bad posture, it may be possible to actually correct the curve with a combination of treatment and exercises.

Treatment, consisting of massage, mobilisation and strengthening techniques, is aimed at relieving tight muscles and encouraging the weakened ones to engage and begin to work again and mobilising the spine to relieve pressure on the joints and nerves.

Gabriella Carlsson

Phone number: 730 9345


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