Sunday, August 31, 2014

[News Boquete] Message for U.S. Citizens: Town Hall Meeting- Panama Province

Ambassador Jonathan Farrar

invites interested

U.S. Citizens in Panama Province

to a Town Hall Meeting


When:     Wednesday, September 17th

Where:    Ambassador’s Residence

Time:    3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please register:

NLT than September 12th.  Space is limited to 150 guests.


IMPORTANT:  After registering, you will receive a message confirming your participation. You must present this confirmation along with proof of citizenship to enter the Residence grounds.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Parking Information:

          Parking at the Residence is on a first come, first serve basis and is very limited.

          We recommend that you carpool or take alternate methods of transportation, e.g., taxi, if possible.

Shuttle Service:

There is a shuttle available, but limited to 30 spaces, for those living in the Clayton area.  You will need to park in the parking lot outside of the Embassy entrance.  The shuttle departs at 2:30 p.m.

No Video Cameras or Video Recording Permitted

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[News Boquete] Volunteer Meeting, Book & Bake Sale, Photography, etc – What’s Happening at the Biblioteca in September

September 9 – Volunteer Coffee 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Volunteer Meeting at the Biblioteca de Boquete

This event is open to anyone who has volunteered in the past or might be interested in volunteering at the library.  Coffee and snacks will be served.

Please RSVP to: if you plan to attend.

September 20 – Book Sale + Bake Sale + Lunch – 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Books available in Spanish and English for all ages

Sales of books, baked goods, and lunch benefit the library.

This event is open to the general public. 

August 29 – October 30 – Boquete PhotoGrafia Exhibit by Photographic Artist, Ed Kraft

European Jewels: Dutch Waterland through Budapest to Slovenia's Julian Alps – highlights of a land and river cruise 

This exhibit is free of cost, open to the general public, and will be on display throughout September and October.

Notice:  English speaking volunteers are needed to practice speaking English with students in our adult conversational English classes on Mondays and Fridays at 4:30 p.m.  

Continuing Weekly Educational Programs




Ages 15 +


10:00 am – 1:00 pm

4:30 pm  – 6:00 pm


Chess Club

All Ages

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm



Ages 7 +

3:00 pm  – 4:30 pm


Bi-Lingual Story Time

Painting with Mary Ellen Watts


Ages 4 – 7



10:00 am – 11:00 am

3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

4:30 pm  – 6:00 pm



Ages 8 - 12

10:00 am – 12:00 noon

Fundación Biblioteca de Boquete       Phone: 720-2879

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[News Boquete] FREE Workshop, Sept 19th

You're invited to a FREE, FUN workshop on September 19th from 10:30 am until approximately 1:30 pm on the 3rd floor of the library.

We will be creating Artist Trading Cards, but with a surprise'll just have to come to find out what the surprise is, but here's a hint it will be both for you and for our community.

All materials will be provided and you will leave the workshop with at least 3 completed original works of art.

If you have old magazines, old papers of any kind or art tools you'd love to use, please feel free to bring them, but we will have all the materials and tools you need on hand.

No art experience or "talent" is needed to enjoy this wonderful art form and the playful environment we will create together.

We look forward to having you join us !

Boquete Artworks    

Follow us on Facebook and check out our blog to catch the latest news from us! 

P.S. If you no longer wish to receive emails from us, please hit reply and write "unsubscribe" in the subject line. We'll remove you from our list right away. 

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[News Boquete] Look for Alicia's Truck!

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[News Boquete] Cement Art Workshop Sept 10 also Stained Glass Workshop Sept 21

Creating Cement Art - including Sculpture and 
Acid Staining
In the Studio in Caldera at Black Rock Art Ranch

by Chris McCall
September 10,11 and 12 plus four extra elective workshop days September 13, 14, 15 and 16 if you wish*
Class is From 10:00 till 12:30pm workshop time till 3pm.  (Studio opens at 9am)
Cost is $70 including all materials and supplies***
Reservations: 6137-5602  - deposit required you can sign up on line and pay with credit card or Paypal.
Directions to The Art Ranch on the web site. 

There is lots of one on one instruction during the workshop periods, and after class on the 3 class days. 
Many students work the whole time but many students just come to the class days if they don't have time in their schedule.  You the student deiced how much you want to do.

Concrete is used widely in Panama for all construction.  Concrete is also a
great medium for crafts and artwork.  In this workshop we will learn how to
mix concrete and mortar, make concrete stepping stones with various designs
and patterns, make concrete bowls and planters, bird baths, and any 3d shape plus  acid stain concrete, and 
color concrete with liquid and powder dyes. 

Sept 10
 -  Working with concrete and mortar  10am to noon  with workshop time in the afternoon until 3pm -- Please come a little early.
The tools you need for working with concrete  -   
Safety procedures for concrete and acid staining  
How to properly mix concrete and mortar including the common formulas and
some of the additives used in concrete. 
A slide show on the use of cement for counter tops and unusual house construction.
Adding powdered color to your concrete
Making molds for concrete
Arranging leafs for pleasing patterns
Planning for your 3d (sculpture project).
Proper use of steel and the different types of wire that can be used for the artist.
All student will make on bowl to learn techniques of working with forms.
Workshop time will include one on one instruction in the first steps in creating your sculpture.

Sept 11-   Sand Casting and Sculpture work  (open at 9 am  with class at 10am and workshop in the    afternoon)
Sand casting allows you to create very irregular shapes, beautiful bird baths form leaves, serving platters, bread dishes, only limited by the imagination.
All students in class will make a sand cast leaf.
Also during class students will clean up their bowl from the day before, learn to release the form, shape the "green cement" with rasps, sand paper and wire brushes.
Class will have discussion on the use of Ferro Cement.
Ferro cement is doing cement work over thin metal.  Commonly used
for sculptures and things like concrete counter tops.  Using Ferro cement
you can make almost any shape in concrete.
Preparing the metal, using rebar to support different shapes.
Scratch coating the metal and finish repello
It is really easy to make wonderful  pre Columbian type sculptures or anything that you can think of.
Workshop time will be one on one help with each persons projects

Sept 1
2- Acid Staining and Finishing  (open at 9am with class at 10 am and workshop in the afternoon)
This is the day you finish all the projects you have been woking on.  Staining them and sealing them.  Everything must be taken home at the end of this workshop day.
Safety precautions for working with acid.
Using and buying Commercial stains
Mixing your own stains from common chemicals used in pottery.
Preparing the concrete for staining
Working with old concrete and new concrete
Different methods of application  
Making patterns with the stain
Using acrylic colors to fix areas that don¹t take or to add accent to the
Sealing the concrete after staining
Waxing the concrete

Work Shop Days  
Sept 1
3, 14, 15 and 16
Workshop Days 9am to 3pm  (you may come and leave as you desire until closing)
During workshop days Chris will work one on one with each person helping them as they need it with there projects.  There is no formal schedule, you may come any time between 9am and 3pm  
The workshop fee is $70.  Materials and space fee is included.   ***Extra material charge for really large projects.
Deposit is required and you may do so on the website via paypal which accepts any credit card.
The teacher for this workshop will be Chris McCall. Chris has been in the arts for many years.  In 1985 he opened the Stained Glass School and Supply in Denver Colorado.  Chris moved to Panama Central America in 2004, he designed and built a resort called Rancho de Caldera.  In 2010 he opened his art studio in Boquete teaching cement art, stained glass, paper making, felting, and spinning and last year moved the Studio to Caldera.  Caldera is beautiful, the studio is on a hill top so is cooler than Caldera itself because of the mountain breeze's

You will leave the workshop with new knowledge, some beautiful cement art pieces and sculptures.
Please email your reservation to Chris McCall, pay deposit on the web site  - 
For Questions call Chris at 6137-5602

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