Tuesday, June 24, 2014

[News Boquete] GROOVE dance is coming to Boquete!

Hello DANCE Lovers!

Got a kid or adult who LOVES to dance?! I am excited to bring The GROOVE to Boquete! The World GROOVE Movement is a fabulous way to teach dance - but not in the traditional way... A GROOVE class is designed for people of all skills levels and experience. Any body can do it. Seriously! In a GROOVE class, there are no complicated steps and choreography to have to tackle - just a few simple moves repeated over longer periods of time, allowing dancers to connect to the music and explore how to move in a way that is real and authentic to them. Unlike most dance and fitness classes, a GROOVE classes uses a variety of music styles - there can be anything and everything from Pop 40, re-mixed jazz standards, obscure musicians you will have never heard of, and even sometimes hip hop! :) 

Here's what you need to know at a glance:

- Friday at 10:00am in Volcancito (driving up to Volcancito, turn left at The Food Box and continue about 150m and come to the house on the left-hand side with the green roof)
- Try out a FREE class this week!
- You will be moving - wear comfortable clothes (with or without shoes)
- Class duration: 1 hour

- Saturday at 10am at in Volcancito (driving up to Volcancito, turn left at The Food Box and continue about 150m and come to the house on the left-hand side with the green roof)
- 7-11 year olds
- $5/class (this will only last for 3 weeks!)
- They will be moving - wear comfortable clothes (with or without shoes)
- Class duration: 45 min

A little bit more about GROOVE and me:
I started facilitating GROOVE classes 2 years ago, in Peterborough, Ontario. I grew up dancing and loved heading out to dance in my young-adult years. Dance and movement makes me happy! But then I got older and had a family. I wasn't going out and dancing anymore and I was missing it!! I tried traditional dance classes but I found I spent the whole classes doing mostly exercises and trying to copy the teacher and very little actual dancing. When I learned about GROOVE, I was hooked instantly! It is basically a weekly dance party! 

In a GROOVE class, you DANCE the moves in a way that feels good for you - you will NOT be copying me, but dancing your own way... The only pre-requisite and requirement is that you WANT to dance - no formal or previous training needed!!

Not sure what to expect? Come and give it a try! I will be running a FREE adult GROOVE class THIS Friday (June 28) at in Volcancito. (driving up to Volcancito, turn left at The Food Box and continue about 150m and come to the house on the left-hand side with the green roof) 

As for the GROOVE for Kids, the first 3 classes will be just $5/class and for children 7-11 years old! The 3 GROOVE for Kids classes are part of my practicum that am required to complete and send in to The World GROOVE Movement for become a Facilitator for the kids classes. I require a minimum of 5 kids per class so please RSVP so that I know how many to expect!

Once sessions are up and running, The price the adult class sessions will be 6 sessions for $45 and kids class sessions will be $40 for 6 sessions. I will also be introducing a class for 4-6 year olds in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

For more information, email me at grooveitpanama@gmail.com or Whatsapp me at 6439-0936.
Looking forward to DANCING with you,


PS: Do you know of people who might enjoy a GROOVE class (adults OR kids)? Share this email with them. A GROOVE class is always more fun with more people so spread the word!

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