Tuesday, April 26, 2011

[Noticias] Boquete Hospice and Health Foundation news

Boquete Hospice and Health Foundation presents the following news to you in the hope that you may find it useful.  If you wish to learn more about Boquete Hospice and Health Foundation, check out our website, boquetehospice.com, or attend a meeting on the second Thursday of every month at 2 p.m. at BCP.  If you need more information or services, call 6781-9250.

1. Boquete Hospice and Health Foundation provides free blood pressure checks at the Tuesday meeting and market from 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.  Look for our sign!
2. We have some medical equipment that can be loaned to the community.  Thanks to recent donations from a variety of sources, we have several walkers, a wheelchair, a hospital bed, a bedside commode, some toilet risers, a small portable oxygen kit as well as other items.  We remain willing to accept donations of additional working medical equipment, if you have something sitting around that you no longer need and are willing to share with the community.  To request or donate equipment, contact our administrator at 6781-9250.

3. Boquete Hospice and Health Foundation also wants you to have the following information:

Quick and Easy Tips for Avoiding Infections
by Gail Cody

We live in a damp climate and these are a few tips to help avoid infections.

-Take showers, NOT baths to rinse away bacteria. If a bath sounds too good, take a shower first and make sure tub is clean .Be sure to dry off before dressing.

-Keep clothes and shoes clean and dry. Try and keep a change of dry clothes and shoes with you if possible. Bacteria,mold and fungus love dump musty environments.

-Use a vinyl or plastic cutting board, NOT wood. Wash and disinfect between uses. It is good to have a separate cutting board for meat and vegetables.

-Be sure to wash eggs before using, especially if buying fresh local ones. They are not usually cleansed when gathered.

-Wash your hands frequently.

-Have a cut or scrape? Don't clean with Hydrogen Peroxide. The bubbling action will bubble the germs/bacteria from the surrounding skin INTO the wound. Wash the wound thoroughly for 2 minutes with antibacterial soap under running water, use a soft brush if needed to clean debris from wound. Pat dry. Apply a light application of antibacterial ointment and bandage for 24 hours. Then leave open to air as able, clean and dry wound daily. Cover if working and need to keep dirt/debris out of wound. A minor laceration may be held together with steri strips. If loose they can be changed daily and the wound cleansed. If stitches are used, after 24 hours the wound usually does not need to be covered, except to keep out debris if working.

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