Monday, April 4, 2011

[Noticias] Counseling

"For I have made a reckoning of myself, of the things I have done and said and of my intentions;

and I long for nothing but to live as a light within, to enter god's heart singing a song so stirring

that even slaves at the mill and assses in the field might raise their heads and answer."


                                                                                                                                                                           From The Egyptian Book of the Dead, translated by Normandi Ellis

John Earle

Relationship and Individual Counseling

My work is spiritually based (but not religious). I incorporate principals from many teachers and paths and apply spiritual tools and perspectives to difficult personal issues.  Because this work is rooted in perennial wisdom, it facilitates change that is a very long lasting and dynamic.  My goal is to empower my clients to make changes that create wholeness and harmony in their lives. I do not endeavor to create a co-dependent therapist-client relationship. You learn the tools for change. You do the work. I supply the tools, help with the launch and the fine tuning and provide support when needed.

I have 22 years of experience resolving interpersonal communications issues in relationships and institutionally. I have co-produced over 50 couple's retreats with my wife along with facilitating numerous other interpersonal communication workshops and gatherings.

Please Note: Although my work sometimes involves psychology, I am not a psychologist, or therapist.

For more information, or to set up a first meeting (in order to see if this work is right for you), write me an email.

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